Sunday, February 1, 2009

Technology of 2009

As years passed by, technology became higher and higher and still growing today. It became more and more a part of our everday lives. And as we have woke up and faced the yaer 2009, technology's expansion caught our attention.
The latest technology of 2009 has a great impact in our world today. As we have observed more and more inventions were discovered and believe to lead to our economic growth. Through these latest technology we may be able to become more updated for whatever issues that would come.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Computer Ethics

Computers present us not only with vast new potential in technology, but also in ethics. Etihcs, in classical sense refers to the rules and standards governing the conduct of an individual.Without a knowledge of computer ethics, you will not be fully equipped to enter the new world of online society- and you will need to enter that world whether you choose a carrer in art, programming, business, or anything else. the Ten Commandments of Computer Ethiocs are the following:
Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people.
Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer work.
Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's files.
Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.
Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness.
Thou shalt not use or copy software for which you have not paid.
Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization.
Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output.
Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you write.
Thou shalt use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect.

These commandments cannot be apply alone in computer but also in ourselves. As a student, we should not use any means of communication to harm our classmates or other people whom we are insecure with. We should not use anything that could harm them.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Hapag ng Pag-asa

The painting "Hapag ng Pag-asa" is not just a painting but also a reminder to everyone. It reminds us the unfortunate children here in our country. It made us think of the hungry people that suffer most.It make us realized that we are so blessed that we have something to eat amd we can buy the things we wanted. It reminds us to count our blessings and appreciate the food served at table and think those hungry people who are starving for food. And this painting has a great impact in my life.

How powerful is Computer Technology in media?

Computer technology is very powerful when it comes to media because nowadays we are using high technologies that will help us in terms of communication and other activities that will consider media as very important one.

How Internet become a tool in media?

Internet become a tool in media since internet nowadays is very useful especially in communication. Because of internet we can communicate other people in other places. As we all know media is a channel through which the message is beiung transmitted.

Contribution of Internet in the world of Media

Internet as we all know is one of the primary medium or means of communication. Through internet, there is a lot of things that we can gather. May be some trivias, informations, and news because in internet all informations are being stored. Through this kind of medium, we can communicate our loved ones from far places or even those people we don't know yet. Internet is also a means of entertainment .

Symposium for the Mediatization of the Youth

Mediatization of the Youth
Rev. Fr. Christian Buenafe, OCD

Mediatization of he Youth or the symposium or seminar about media is very important since we are bounded with high technologies. In connection with this, we should be aware of what really media is.
So when we talk about media, first thing that would come into our mind is television, radio,news, channels and information. So, what is the real definition of media.
Media is a channel through which the message is tarnsmitted. It is a part of communication process and a strongest man-made force that can influence people. It became a perspective, ideology, lifestyle, and a way of life.
There are five forms of media. Namely the print, broadcast and electronic, group or visual media, folk/traditional media and the non-media. Print media, just like for examples, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, manual, and other print materials. Radio, stereos, video cam, cd disks, cellular phones are examples of broadcast and electronic media. Group or visual media is compose of slides, flip charts, posters, stickers, journals, banners, and other visual media. We can also consider drama, story-telling, ballads, chanters,drums as a medium and they are called the folk/traditional media. The last but not the least form of media is the non-media. It is composed of home visits, face-to-face, public meetings, role playing, networking, drama seminar and lastly the activity that was conducted last November 13, 2008, the symposium. So, when we will combine those five forms of media it is already called a multimedia. Since nowadays we are living with those forms of media, we are now in "The Multimedia Age".
Therefore we conclude that media is very important in our everyday life because through this we can gather learnings and informations that will help us especially in our studies. We may be able to know the issues we are facing today and get some trivias and informations about the other countries all over the world.